Daughter is having an extension built and today I went with her to look at kitchens. And now I have kitchen envy. (I don't really as I am very happy with mine but I did like the pink one.)
Now if you saw this in a kitchen showroom in amongst all other the kitchen samples what would you think?
I asked the salesman if many people bought the glass-fronted cupboards - I couldn't believe anyone would - and he said they were just for display. I didn't think it was a particularly stupid question.
But I did like this cunning cwtch for dogs built into the design. Good marketing.
On the way home in the car I said to Daughter, 'I don't think the salesman liked me,' expecting her to say, 'Don't be silly,' but she didn't.
'No, I don't think so either,' she said. 'It made me think he was only being nice to people who were likely to spend money.'
So I wasn't being paranoid. Does that mean all the other times I think people don't like me ...
And that reminds me: I must email the kitchen company HQ to ask why they don't use proper china cups for customers when they offer them hot drinks. I asked the salesman (perhaps that's why he didn't like me) and he said they had proper cups but they'd been told to use paper.
Email sent.
Given the probable cost of some of their kitchens, you'd be unlikely to be able to afford food if you installed one.
I don't know if I would want pink cupboards. Makes me think of Pepto-Bismol.
True, Sonata.
Now you've done it, Debra.
Thems fightin' words, eh?
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