Sunday, June 16, 2019

Lily and the Octopus book review

Lily and the octopus
Lily and the Octopus
by Steven Rowley

Be warned: THIS! IS! A! SAD! BOOK!

I didn't realise that when I bought it. Having said that I would still buy it again. 

Lily is a sausage dog who lives with her owner in Los Angeles - although 'lives with' isn't adequate to describe their relationship, which is deep and real.

They share pizza, play Monopoly on Fridays and discuss cute boys on Tuesdays. Lily's contribution to the story is noisy - hence the SAD! BOOK! capitals, and probably the best bit of the book, especially for those of us who have talking pets.

The octopus isn't what you might think, a fun toy or another pet for example. It is far more malevolent. And eventually deathly.

The book does get a bit peculiar as the situation worsens. Looking at Amazon reviews - to see if I were particularly thick in not understanding it - I noticed several people made the same comment, but don't let that put you off. One reviewer suggested it might reflect not only the condition Lily is in but also the mental health of the narrator, her owner, Ted. Judge for yourself.

Highly recommended but have tissues to hand.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sounds like a solid read.