Wednesday, March 19, 2025

To the limit

"Do you think he looks pale?"
I look at Husband and shrug. "I don't know. I never look at him."

I mean obviously I look at him but not to notice how pale or otherwise he looks. Anyway, we were at the rehab clinic where the nurse was very pleased with him except for the fact he was doing too much, and he'd stopped taking one lot of tablets without consulting anyone. So he's back on those and under instruction not to do so much.

He has always been one for pushing himself. Unlike me who'll grab any opportunity to take it easy. He's got up to fifteen minutes walking around the house without a break. At this stage, apparently, they recommend ten minutes maximum with little breaks. And yesterday we went to the garden centre and he was on his feet for an hour. I did suggest he sat on one of the benches but I was remiss in not insisting, so he was 'knackered' when he got home.

I also managed to come home from the hospital with two secondhand books so a good morning all round.

* * * * *

I went into Zac's to do some cooking today for the first time for ages. While I was there the builder came to see Stu and confirmed they'd start work on the refurbishment a week Monday. Very exciting.

It does mean, however, that we won't have water for two or three weeks so all activities will probably have to stop temporarily. After the work is completed we're changing what we do so next week will be the last week of full lunches. Also very exciting. Did I mention Zac's had been successful in getting a grant for the work on the toilets and disabled access from the Welsh government? A great help.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Glad Husband is doing well, despite needing policing! Good news about Zac's grants too.

Anvilcloud said...

It’s a good sign that he feels like doing too much even if he shouldn’t.

Ann said...

Good to hear that your husband is doing well. It's easy to do too much when you start to feel better. You don't realize how much you're pushing until it's too late. Some stores have those motorized scooter carts that customers can use to ride through the store instead of walking.

Marie Smith said...

My FIL had a tough time taking it easy too. Following the guideline did help though when he finally did. Yay for Zac’s.

Exciting times ahead!

jabblog said...

Well done your husband, but I hope he paces himself now.

Kathy G said...

I am also in the category of trying to do too much. Glad to hear that Zac's is making strides.

Abby said...

Glad to hear he's (overachieving?) progressing!
I wonder what my husband looks like.

Ole phat Stu said...

All around or all round? Been too long out of the UK to remember the rule. Which is right? BTW can any reader recommend a grammer textbook?

acorn hollow said...

Your husband is never giving up I hope it all works for him.