I've seen various comments reminding me that it's five years since we were in lockdown. I wondered what I'd written about it at the time so here's one of my posts, from 18th March 2020.
The first casualty of the pandemic in our house is days of the week.
On a normal week I have regular events that give me a fix on what day it is; now there is nothing. Days are being sucked into the black hole of time and I am floating helplessly.
I suppose it doesn't matter. What need have I of day names? Perhaps I should use numbers - so we would now be on Day 3, assuming I start counting from the first day of isolation. But that's very boring. More creative names are needed.
So yesterday would be Carrot Day, and today will be ... what will today be? Each day will be an adventure!
In the middle of the night I was lying awake thinking, this is going to be terrible. But it will only be terrible if I let it. So I won't.
One casualty I must strive to avoid: hygiene. I don't want a diary of days labelled, Did Not Wash Day, or Forgot To Change Pants Day.
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"No, I'm very happy."
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Had another annoying email from someone I infrequently get emails that are usually annoying from. First reaction response - very rude. Second reaction response - slightly politer. Third reaction response - ah, I'm not going to bother to answer.
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Yesterday morning finally managed to have a walk with Daughter to Pobbles. it was a glorious and warm day.
Then I met up with Kim to begin planning our next church event, which will be a twmpath/ceilidh/barn dance in aid of the local food bank. We're planning a barbecue for it so that will be a lot easier and less stressful than the curry night, which incidentally raised £420 for Zac's.
Hard to believe it was five years ago. But I do remember the fear, before the vaccine was developed. And the struggle to access it in a blue state.
A BBQ should be fun!
Lockdown here was very peaceful but I missed seeing the rest of my family.
Good luck with your fundraising.
After working through lockdown my husband decided to take early retirement and I joined him. We often have to ask each other what day it is. I am not sure if that is because we have never reset our mental body clocks or if we are just getting old and forgetful!
It was a different world then. And it is now too. At least we weren't sliding into totalitarianism then.
Glad you could get a walk in with your daughter.
For me, the lockdown was pretty much just normal. I worked the entire time so it was just business as usual except with a mask.
Hubby worked from home during the lockdown, so it was easy to distinguish the week from the weekend. To keep track of the days I relied on a community radio station whose schedule had a different volunteer disc jockey every couple of hours. (For example, if Dr. Jeff was on it must be Wednesday),
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