Saturday, March 22, 2025

Memo to self

To remind me.

One dahlia, three agapanthus, about twenty gladioli, and another twenty something else*, all planted in the gap in front of the middle wall, between the rose and the red plant that's, helpfully, not in the photo.

Two questions re bulbs/corms. They don't really mind how deep you plant them, do they? Ditto being planted the wrong way up. (It wasn't always obvious as you'd think it would be.)

Also transplanted an azalea that was in a tub out the front. Couldn't carry pot and plant so thought outside the pot and tipped the pot up and took the plant. 

Got my legs out for the first time today. Shorts all the way from now on. There's no going back. Unless it's very cold!

Lovely walk with Elder Son, GrandSon3, and Toby. On our way back we spotted some sweet alpaca, but they refused to pose for me.

Time for dinner now.

* Liatris.


Boud said...

They say the planting depth relates to the bulb size. But since squirrels will eat all but daffodils I don't think it matters a lot.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

My white chicken legs will not see the sun until late May at the earliest.

Ann said...

I rarely wear shorts any more. I do capris but not shorts.

jabblog said...

If they're destined to flourish, thy will.
I haven't worn shorts since I was at school . . .

Liz Hinds said...

Oh right. Well, it's done now!

Liz Hinds said...

I was thinking this morning that maybe fake tan is in order.

Liz Hinds said...

I live in shorts in the summer.

Liz Hinds said...

I hope you're right!