Sunday, March 23, 2025

The best laid plans

I said to Husband, "I'm having a day off. I'm going to do nothing."

Then, getting a replacement recycling bag out of the cupboard I knocked and broke a bottle of beer, so I had to mop that up. Honestly, World, it's just one day I wanted off!

The first morning he was home from hospital Husband said he'd get up to have breakfast; I insisted I'd bring it to him in bed. My first big mistake! Now I get nudged for the early morning cup of tea and then nudged again for breakfast.

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Here's my article from next month's Gower Community Magazine. It's on page 34 if it doesn't automatically go there. 

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Interesting chat with Elder Son yesterday. I asked him what incel meant and we talked about masculinity, toxic or otherwise. Yesterday morning he'd been at an under-14s football match (he coaches them but, thankfully, GrandSon1 wasn't playing yesterday as he was occupied elsewhere) and it had all had kicked off. A disagreement on the pitch led to a free-for-all and one man who'd been walking up and down the touchlines started grabbing everybody, including Elder Son and the young boys, and swearing and shouting at them. That I think is fairly toxic masculinity. 

GrandSon1 was in court at the time. Again thankfully, only in a schools tournament. His team didn't win but he got several mentions for his 'performance' as witness for the prosecution.

He tends to be quite quiet in school but has impressed his teachers several times when he's had to do public speaking, thus he was chosen for this role. His dad is very good at public speaking, a natural I think, although he too was reasonably quiet as a schoolboy.

Now I'm going to change into my jammies and do a jigsaw.

Oh are you watching The Residence on Netflix? If not, why not?


jabblog said...

Have you watched 'Adolescence'? I recommend it - it's sad, depressing and beautifully acted.

Kathy G said...

Now that your husband is doing so well I'd start weaning him off the catered breakfasts.

Chuck Pergiel said...

From Wikipedia's page about The Residence: "conflicts between 157 personnel"! Criminently, I have trouble when there are more than four characters.

Boud said...

I don't have Netflix, so there's that.
I think It's time to discontinue the early morning bedside service. At this point you're as tired as he is. Maybe he can resume bringing you a cup of tea?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good Gower article! I love the quotation in your penultimate paragraph about prayers being made of "our wordless sighs, our aching groans." Who wrote that?

acorn hollow said...

We don't have Netflix. coffee in bed sounds so wonderful lol but not if you are doing the lugging.
Good for your son giving his time to those boys.

Boud said...

I think the quotation is St Paul, Epistle to the Romans.

Ann said...

I don't have Netflix. I go for things I can find on Hulu or any number of free streaming services.

Marie Smith said...

Speaking of incel, Adolescence is another good program. The acting is excellent!

Liz Hinds said...

I don't know if I can cope with that.

Liz Hinds said...

I will soon.

Liz Hinds said...

Yep, and you see most of them in each episode!

Liz Hinds said...

He can't carry things!

Liz Hinds said...

Thank you. St Paul, Romans 8

Liz Hinds said...

Son's a good lad.

Liz Hinds said...

Quite right. I should have mentioned that after the article.

Liz Hinds said...

We don't have Hulu. Is it good?

Liz Hinds said...

I've heard that bit it looks a bit hard to watch.

Anvilcloud said...

Because I don't have Netflix. We piggybacked on daughter's for years, but they caught up with us. Frankly, I never watched it much. Oddly enough, I prefer British telly on Britbox and Acorn.

Abby said...

I just saw a trailer for The Residence and added it to my "to watch", it looks really good!
Incels, weird we've added such words to our vocabulary.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Who knew St Paul was so poetic? Not a heathen like me!