Tuesday, March 04, 2025

A race to the finish

Husband continues to do well; I continue to sniff. As Elder Son commented, it'll be a race to see if Husband recovers from open heart surgery before I recover from my cold.

It's not so much that I'm ill now as I am worried about whether I'm still infectious and a risk to Husband. That said I'm taking it easy and avoiding people. But tomorrow I'm back to cooking chilli in Zac's as Claire, our chef, has broken her wrist, and Stu is tending to his wife who's just had a skin graft following a serious burn. I'll be on my own cooking so I can just do it at my own pace - which I do anyway!

Today I've written an article for the Gower magazine - deadline tomorrow. I was halfway through it when I thought, "This is too boring to write or read," and began again. I think my second version is better though perhaps not back to peak form yet. By the way, here is the link to my most recent article. It's on page 26.

Nothing much happening really. After all the stress and hoo-haa of the past few months - well, year really - it's back to waiting again, but at least what we're waiting for is all good.

Latest jigsaw, London landmarks.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Elder Son is quite the wit!

Boud said...

I'm hoping everyone gets well soon. Quite a chapter of accidents in your world there.