I'm not cooking for Zac's today as . . . drum roll . . . Husband is coming home this afternoon!
He's coming straight from HDU so skipping the normal ward bit. Probably for the best with the risk of infection from. By coming home it's only me he has to avoid!
I checked the NHS website and it says people with colds remain infectious as long as they have symptoms. I'm still snuffly and sneezy so will have to be restrained in greeting Husband.
When he was in the ward with norovirus the nurse said, "It's air-borne and very contagious." Can you imagine the will-power it took to refrain from saying, "Shouldn't that be infectious not contagious?"
I didn't. I was polite. I know very little about anything but I do know about that.
* * * * *
He underestimates women. Having a husband, children, and a home, doesn't make us insensible. I could name several blogging friends to prove this point.
(But, on a lighter note, personally I can malfunction at any point! Although as far as I know it has not resulted in the destruction of civilisations.)
Happy homecoming!
Who the heck is Noah Revoy? His poor mother...
Welcome home, Husband!
Sorry, don't have time to write a longer comment. Must be off now to malfunction and destroy civilizations -- ta ta!
Go Girl! You know where to begin!
Indeed - then again we have her to thank for this!
After all the build up to the surgery the aftercare is moving surprisingly quickly. I wonder if they're trying to send off stable patients to keep them germ-free?
Could be. And apparently patients recover faster at home.
This is great news. Finally it's done and by now he's home, yay! I know that I've started doing better as soon as I set foot at home.
And I'm shocked, I tell you, that a nurse doesn't know that airborne can not be contagious?? Lay people, except for those named Liz, may not, but medical people oughta.
Yay! So happy for you both, Liz. Take it easy, you two!
Happy your husband is coming home.
Good news!
You’ll be stepping carefully for a few days.
That's awesome that your husband will be home.
That Noah Revoy is sadly misinformed or just a stupid know it all.
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