Monday, March 03, 2025

Operation Jellyhead

In my head it feels as if my brain is coated in a thick jelly and each time I move my head my brain bumps into the jelly and it makes a sort of schlurpy noise. Even when I'm not moving my head it feels echoey.

* * * * *

I discovered that I had taken out insurance on my theatre tickets! I didn't do it first time round but must have added it when I rebooked. Have I said this before? You'll have to excuse me. Jelly-head you know. Anyway I've completed a form and dropped it off at the doctors' to give permission for them to view Husband's records so they can write me a letter to prove he's not well.

I've tried to find out how to let the theatre know we won't be there and they could resell our tickets but they don't seem to want to know. But I tried.

* * * * *

Husband continues to do well. He has been moved from ICU to HDU and, in fact, the doctor said he could go straight to a normal ward but there was a bed ready for him in HDU and not in the ward. I'm happier about that. I am also amazed that he is only on paracetamol.

Because I'm still coughing and snuffly I won't go in yet and have to rely on phone calls but that's okay. I'll be seeing plenty of him when he's home and being looked after . . .

* * * * *

I sat out in the sun this afternoon to read my book. I was wrapped up warm as there was a breeze to one side, but I'm definitely feeling more human.

And I discovered these little delights lurking behind the trampoline.

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I've also done a self-diagnosis on my finger. You know when you have your fingers bent in to grip something and then you let go? Your fingers leap back to their usually straightish position. Well, my ring finger has to think about it. I don't have to push it up but it definitely takes its time.

My careful research has led me to conclude this is possibly the beginning of a claw finger, usually caused by ulnar something or other, but I'm wondering if it is because my wedding ring is tight. I can twirl it round but can't get it off.

I haven't taken my ring off my finger since we were married forty-six and a half years ago but I'm wondering if I may need to. I shall consult the doctor at some point when everything has settled down, and get a proper opinion. 

Fat fingers. You don't think about your fingers getting fat, do you?

* * * * *

I watched All the President's Men again this weekend. I was thinking to myself that we need reporters like Woodward and Bernstein now but then I realised that we already know all about the misdeeds and the lies but it doesn't seem to matter these days.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Glad to hear Husband is doing so well! And I hope you feel better soon from that miserable cold too. Your last paragraph is absolutely right on, and how discouraging is that?

Marie Smith said...

Great news about your husband. Glad you are getting better too, Liz. Yay!