Thursday, October 17, 2024

Drivers and Breathers

I hate wearing coats. In the winter I've got to, but at this time of year my outer-covering of choice is a jumper or hoodie. Which is fine unless it rains.

But it only rained on us a bit, and soon cleared. Still we're not as hardy as the Pobbles Swimmers.

I don't know if you can see the three tiny figures in the middle of the photo, in the sea, without wet suits.

I nearly didn't get there. Driving down our road I saw the sign that warned of grass-cutting but as I approached the blind corner I didn't expect to see a huge tractor on my side of the road reversing towards me. I had a brief moment of, "Waaah," because I wasn't even sure whether it was reversing or driving forward. (You know these tractors have huge bits of machinery in front and behind.) Then reversed. I'm not sure the driver could even see me. So I continued my drive a bit shaken.

Toby was very slightly less bouncy than usual on his walk. After I dropped him off and told Elder Son we concluded he had things on his mind. 

* * * * *
What else? The parcel reached its destination safely I'm pleased to say, and I am at peace with the 'email' situation. I decided of my own accord to let it go and move on. 

So I wore my hearing aids to Zac's on Tuesday as I'm always being teased for not wearing them. And what happens? I find myself sitting next to a man who breathes. I have nothing against him breathing but did he have to do it so loudly?

* * * * *
I dislike Halloween and never decorate but I saw this in the local shop when I called in and it was so cute I couldn't resist it.


Boud said...

Yes, the surprising things you hear when you wear the hearing aids. All kinds of appliance noises, devices clicking, the comb passing through your hair..

Abby said...

I'm learning the perks of being hard of hearing.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That IS an awfully cute planter! Glad you didn't get shmushed by the grass-cutting equipment. Here in Canada, the hazard on the highways in winter time is huge snowplows.

Anvilcloud said...

My hearing aids conked out during a coffee meetup yesterday. I hadn’t charged them properly. I am very impaired, so I beat a hasty retreat.

Sue L said...

Do you think Toby was traumatized by your near miss? I sometimes think Lola gets out of the car and thinks phew I survived!

Liz Hinds said...

There's a whole world out there!

Liz Hinds said...

Can be advantageous.

Liz Hinds said...

I can imagine. When a Canadian friend visited she was terrified by the narrow lanes around here so I'm guessing your roads are a bit wider!

Liz Hinds said...

That's frustrating

Liz Hinds said...

I hadn't picked him up at that point. That said, on the journey back, he maybe picked up anxious vibes because he climbed from the boot onto the back seat.

Ann said...

It's amazing the things you can hear when you've got hearing aids in.

Ole phat Stu said...

Some people could do better with thinking aids; eg DJT.

jabblog said...

I've never caught on to Hallowe'en - it's too pagan for me.

Kathy G said...

I hate coats too. Especially when it gets cold enough to use the heavy-duty one.