Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Roofs and salopets

Should I make a point if in doing so I am being very girly?

I don't want to go into details so it's impossible for you to answer I know. Husband is in the gym at the moment; I shall consult him later. I feel it's important for the future but maybe I just have to forget about it. 

Ah well. 

We've just finished watching Showtrial on BBC. It's very good but I'm cross about the ending. What else? We're rewatching Modern Family and re-re-watching Big Bang.

Off to Zac's soon. The roofer was supposed to be coming today to do a temporary fix on the leaking roof but it's pouring with rain so he can't come. Is it very wrong to hope the roof might fall in and make our lives easier? That doesn't sound very logical does it, but trust me, it would help.

Do you know what salopets are? I didn't.

I sent off my parcel on Monday. Yesterday had an email saying it would be delivered Wednesday, quickly followed by another email that said it would be delivered Tuesday. I let the recipient know.

This morning he contacted me, said the parcel hadn't arrived even though I'd had an email saying it had been delivered. I did the Tracking thing and sure enough there was a photo of it being delivered. 

I sent the photo to the recipient and asked if he recognised the place. He didn't.

I'm hoping the second email was a mistake and the parcel will arrive today.

Life is never simple, is it?

And I asked Husband to hurry back from the gym so I could rush off and he hasn't. He can make his own tea!


jabblog said...

Incorrect deliveries are a local sport here. Irritating!

Boud said...

That photo of an unknown doorstep, which claims to prove delivery..and proves the opposite. I have known people recognize the wrong step and go off and retrieve the parcel,but if not, you're out of luck I suppose.