Monday, September 02, 2024

Watch out for the . . .

Looking for a photo - that I still haven't found - I discovered that my first visit to Zac's for a bible study was October 3rd 2006. That's nearly 18 years ago. No wonder I'm feeling tired.

I also found this snippet from 2013:

For once it was a quiet and small group, and the study went well. It was an easier topic - what sort of fruit are we producing?- than we've been dealing with recently (love your enemies and not being judgemental) and I wanted it to be very affirming, which I think it was - until ... there always has to be an until in Zac's.

One gentleman - no, man - decided it would be appropriate to give something that should have remained private a public airing. I couldn't make myself heard over the resulting rumpus to bring it to a halt until Kay yelled at everyone to shut up. He scuttled off at the end and, apparently, still seems to think that he did us a service. Afterwards it was a shame that discussion of the rumpus replaced what should have been more encouragement and affirmation leaving a slightly sour taste. Even the deliciousness of the cake didn't altogether wipe out the memory. 

What is truly frustrating is that I have no idea what it was he did! My imagination has come up with some suggestions though . . .

* * * * *

So we took Toby to the vet this afternoon. His paw is healing - the red bit is healing skin apparently - but she gave us a cone for him to stop him licking it.

Me: I thought it was good for them to lick their wounds?

Vet: No, their mouths are full of bacteria.

He's allowed to go for short walks on the lead on the pavement so I took him out in his cone this afternoon. He managed pretty well, a few walls and hedges excepted, until we got home. 

His cone got caught on each step as he tried to come up.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Toby does not look pleased, but it's for his own good.

Abby said...

Toby either needs a smaller cone or longer legs when dealing with the stairs.

jabblog said...

Dogs and cats get so depressed when they have to wear cones. I hope Toby can soon be released from his, if he doesn't' release himself in the meantime.

Boud said...

They hate cones. I can't say I blame them. I'd be crabby if I had to wear one.

Anvilcloud said...

The cone is like bad medicine.

Kathy G said...

Toby and the Cone of Shame.

Marie Smith said...

Oh how the grand-dogs hated those cones. Hope Toby heals quickly.

Ann said...

Aw, poor Toby. I had a cone for Gibbs once and I couldn't even get it on him.

Chris said...

Poor Toby, looks so uncomfortable