Sunday, September 01, 2024


Yesterday I dropped everything it was possible to drop. Except maybe my aitches but that was because I wasn't talking to anybody. So I wasn't surprised when I made the worst pizza in the history of bad pizzas. 

I'd offered to make a cake for an event in church today and I faced it with trepidation. I'd thought of making a cream sponge because that used to be my thing: I made exceptionally good sponges. But I lost confidence in my ability so yesterday I dithered.

Finally I decided to get a grip and have a go. Good news is it turned out fine!

Haven't lost it!

What else? After keeping Toby in for one day we walked him around the playing fields on his lead yesterday. He appeared okay after it. We had just set off to repeat the walk this afternoon when he started lifting his paw. The cut is still not healing. It's not bleeding but we had to bring him back home.

And Stella Cat seems to have got a taste for the great outdoors. Last night I was standing outside the front door - which I'd pulled close - while Toby had his last wee, and who should be scratching on the other side of the door trying to get out but Stella. 

Opening the door to let Toby in and keep Stella in at the same time proved to be a feat beyond my capability. I called Husband to come and help;  hearing him on his way downstairs was enough to send Stella scuttling off so Toby and I were able to get in and lock the door behind us.

Earlier I'd found upstairs cat in the dining room and downstairs dog upstairs. 

And it is Sunday today, isn't it? Only the postman's just been. The real postman not a delivery person. There haven't been Sunday deliveries since I don't know when. Plus the neurologist phoned Husband today. A consultant doctor calling on a Sunday! (All is well, she phoned to say.)

Sometimes life is beyond me.

* * * * *
Some interesting fungi in the playing fields.

Husband thinks it's Fenugreek Milkcap, a poisonous variety.
Or a monkey face.


Marie Smith said...

It sounds good where hubby is concerned. Yay!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Does Toby need some sutures in that paw wound?

Boud said...

I'm very glad the Sunday call was good news.

Ole phat Stu said...

Yes, quite poisonous. Wash your hands.

Chris said...

Gosh I could eat that sponge, it looks lush!

Abby said...

A doctor call on a Sunday is an anxious thing. Glad yours was not.
That cake... so yummy looking! said...

That cake looks scrumptious! You did great.
May September treat you well.

Ann said...

That cake sure looks good. A call from a doctor on a Sunday is rare. Glad it was good news.

Anvilcloud said...

Our cat would like to et out, but she is slow and easy to back off.