Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Final countdown

An early start: we arrived at the hospital at 8.30 am. Appointment not until 9 but the traffic can be bad. Doctor then didn't turn up until about 9.45 having been called to see an emergency.

So, basically it's all go now for open heart surgery to replace the dodgy aortic valve. After the doctor we saw the specialist nurse who took blood* and did some swabs, as well as giving us lots more information. "After the op you mustn't do any heavy lifting for 8 weeks and that includes making beds, carrying shopping, putting out bins, hoovering. Husband is grinning by this time while I am groaning."

The doctor was concerned/curious about the high levels of iron in Husband's blood - ten times the norm - so is referring him to Haematology. He is also ordering an angiogram, which will be in a different hospital, so that will be a nice day out for us!

Husband has a dentist appointment in October to remove a tooth. The doctor asked him to bring it forward. They have to make sure he is as free of infection or potential infection as he can be before the operation. 

Before we went to the hospital I was sort of thinking, "Okay, it's an op but lots of people have them so it's fine." I know they have to tell you of any risks but I didn't really want to know so much detail to worry about.

The good thing is that the doctor and nurses gave us confidence, all knowing exactly what's what and what they're doing.

Oh yes, and the doctor also advised Husband against going to the gym. He wasn't convinced by Husband's argument that he gets extra breathless while exercising but controls it. 

*Eventually. It took two of them to get a needle in and blood out.

* * * * *

Walking Toby on his lead around the playing field our talk turned to Power of Attorney and wills and stuff. Husband started sorting all this out ages ago but lost enthusiasm. I have told him I am going to stand and nag him until he does. 

Why don't I do it, you say.

Plurgh. I am stereotypical little woman who doesn't have anything to do with stuff like that, and would rather not have to. My head is full of this and that and nine hundred other things. No room for sensible stuff.

* * * * *

After two disappointing books - light romantic fiction by my usually favourite authors who let me down this time - I've just finished The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox by Maggie O'Farrell. Excellent book. One I didn't want to put down. And the ending . . .


jabblog said...

I'm pleased for you that things are progressing for your husband. I hope the appointment comes sooner rather than later. It would be nice to get it done and dusted before Christmas.

Boud said...

Here's sending you an undramatic surgery and recovery, to both of you. And I strongly encourage getting wills and durable powers of attorney set up. The p of a saved me tons of agita eventually.

Kathy G said...

It's good you have a plan forward.

Anvilcloud said...

They seem confident but it is still concerning, or would be for me.

acorn hollow said...

Very best wishes to your husband it seems like the Drs are on top of everything. And making sure everything is right before they do the operation

Marie Smith said...

It sounds like your husband is in good hands, Liz. You got this!

Ann said...

The doctors and nurses sure know their stuff but it's easy to worry when you're going through it

Furtheron said...

My AA sponsor had three valves done some years ago. The recovery took a few weeks but now he's fitter than ever. Best wishes to Mike