Sunday, September 08, 2024

Drunken sailors

A lot on my mind today. Lying in bed I was thinking of directions in which to take my novel. That in itself is good because I'd lost my way with it, and with that my enthusiasm. I was also thinking about Zac's. As a trustee I'm going to be involved in some major decisions and financial planning in the near future; I think I've mentioned the building is getting to a critical state and decisions will have to be made soon as to the way forward.

So I've spent a portion of the afternoon writing emails and whatsapp messages to relevant people. I'm a new trustee so feel a bit cheeky but on the other hand I've been part of Zac's for eighteen years, and am totally committed to it. 

The rest of the afternoon I didn't spend writing in spite of my good intentions. I began a new jigsaw. I felt I needed time off. But that reminds me: I have an article to finish too. 

* * * * *

Yesterday I joined Daughter and family at the Pennard Food Festival. I wasn't sure if it would be on as the rain had caused floods and lots of football matches to be called off. Pennard, however, is built on very sandy soil with good drainage so the field was fine. I think a number of stalls probably called off though. This crew wasn't going to be deterred though.

Then we walked to Pobbles and spotted this enormous fungus.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I bet the fungus likes the extra moisture!

Boud said...

I like the pointing hand for comparison. That's quite a responsibility, at Zac's. Will you be involved in major fund raising, grant writing?

Chris said...

Rained here too, did you send it East to us??

jabblog said...

We had a terrific thunderstorm in the early hours.
I suppose if you have agreed to be a trustee, then others will want to hear your voice, and you may be expressing what many others think but are unable to bring to anyone's attention.

Abby said...

Cute. Here, we have food trucks. I'm pretty sure I've never seen a food boat.

Kathy G said...

I can definitely see a fairy using that mushroom as an umbrella.

Marie Smith said...

Good luck with the work for Zac’s. It is such a valuable service to the community.

PipeTobacco said...

Maybe it is a sign…. Perhaps you need to add a drunken (and pipe smoking) sailor similar to Captain Haddock to your novel? 🙂


Cop Car said...

I was snickering about the pointing hand as being superfluous until Boud made the wise observation that the hand provided a size comparison.
You are so dedicated to Zac's and your writing that you make some of us recognize our slackardness. (The editor function suggested that I make it "you're writing" - weird.)

Stu said...

What is your personal liability as a trustee ?

Stu said...

That was a hint Liz. Unless the charity is incorporated, you can be held personally liable for everything. Do NOT get burnt!