Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Decisions, decisions

I find myself leading Zac's again tonight, and as we're currently between series, and with no obvious topic, I'm struggling. 

As I did yesterday writing my article. I had a vague idea where to start but didn't know where to go with it, and took a few wrong paths before settling and finishing. It had to be sent in yesterday so it's probably not my best but it sort of flows. I like to make it so things, happenings, funny or otherwise, all lead into one another seamlessly. Or possibly with visible mending. Yesterday's has giant stitches holding it together. 

I've not heard back from the publisher yet so fingers crossed.

And I've drafted tonight's talk but having done so suddenly panicked and thought perhaps I shouldn't have. It's about Zac's history and future, and I'm hoping to include a long prayer time to make it last! And let's face it, Zac's needs a lot of prayer with all these big decisions waiting to be made. Anyway it's too late now. Unless a miraculous intervention happens and a) someone else offers to lead, or b) I get a brilliant idea that doesn't involve three days' planning and writing, I'll have to go with what I've got.

* * * * *

In between I've been doing my jigsaw.

It's 1940s toy memories, and it's depressing how many involve killing Germans. In the middle though you can see a Bayko box. I had Bayko as a child, in the 50s not 40s, and absolutely loved it. I don't know if it's still around these days. (It's not. It finally closed its doors in 1967, having been ousted by Lego and Airfix. But sets are still available on ebay. Hm . . . I wonder.)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Everything will turn out fine, I'm sure!

jabblog said...

Tomorrow you'll wonder what you were worrying about.

Anvilcloud said...

You are writing a book about Zacs? I am probably getting confused. It's the way that I roll. 😊

Janie Junebug said...

There's a lot to be said for spending time on silent prayer and meditation. You will do well. I'm sure of it.
