Friday, September 06, 2024

I don't care what the doctor says

When I was cleaning my teeth this morning Husband came into the bathroom. I glanced at him and then did a double take. Through a mouthful of toothpaste I said, "Why have you got your gym things on?"

The cardiac consultant advised against going to the gym. Husband was going to the gym.

Husband reassured me that he would wear his heart monitor and make sure he stayed in Zones 1 and 2. It was pointless arguing with him. I'd already drafted the children in to tell him he should do as the doctor said, and that didn't work. 

"I shall be very cross if you have a heart attack." I paused. "Although it will give me a chance to say, 'I told you so'."

He survived. Which is pleasing of course but there will be no stopping him now.

* * * * *

There was very heavy rain this morning and I noticed a few new leaks in Zac's. The trustees, of whom I am one, need to make a crucial decision soon. It would help if any builders, surveyors, or contractors ever got back to us. As it is Mother Nature may make the decision for us and the roof will fall in.

I guess it was the rain that deterred customers today. After serving 98 meals yesterday the number today was fewer than 70.


Abby said...

It occurs to me that this is the first I've seen of Zac's - a renovated bus! Best wishes winning out over Mother Nature.
And I hope you don't have to pull the "I told you so".

Liz Hinds said...

That's not Zac's, Abby. It's my wishlist bus! Sadly Zac's is a falling-down building.

jabblog said...

If he exercises regularly and is accustomed to monitoring himself and knows his limitations, it will probably do him more good than harm. Even so, I would be cross, too.

Ann said...

Men never listen. Well I'm glad he didn't have a heart attack but if he did and I told you so certainly would have been called for.

Boud said...

I can just see you following the emts wheeling him and saying what did I tell you? Did you listen? Of course you didn't! They'll know you're his wife right away. Meanwhile he'll do well just to annoy you.

Anvilcloud said...

OK, my question about Zacs is answered above.

Cop Car said...

I go on the theory that we are each the subject matter expert on our own bodies. That said, you remind me of the alarm I felt when I was unable to dissuade Hunky Husband from going for a 3-mile jog just days after hernia surgery, counter to his physician's advice. In HH's case, it was his dementia that got in the way of his heeding my pleas - in addition to his native willfulness/won'tfulness.