Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Did you have to phone me?

So last night went fine apart from the fact that we had the lowest turnout ever! Just seven of us! And the fact that I didn't check my printed notes before I went so it wasn't until I'd begun leading that I found they were like this:

Yes, instead of printing back to back I'd somehow managed to print two pages on each sheet.

But apart from that . . .

* * * * *
So Husband is in the gym this morning - as I mentioned before against doctor's advice - and he rings me. That's it, he's had a heart attack, he's on the way to hospital, someone else is using his phone to tell me he's dead. In the ten seconds it takes me to find my phone and answer it I've gone through every permutation.

"Yes, hello!"
"The man delivering the stones is on our road but he can't find you so look out for him."


Boud said...

That multiple catastrophizing is so familiar! Breathe!

Anvilcloud said...

Since I wasn't involved, I can appreciate the comedic aspect.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I applaud you for conserving trees.

Abby said...

Ah, the many disaster scenarios that go through my mind whenever the phone rings - been there, done that! Hope you got your stones.

Kathy G said...

Our new printer defaults to double sided printing, which has led to quite a few issues.

Ann said...

Oh no, I would have done the same thing with that phone call.