Saturday, September 21, 2024

Blood and books

I forgot to mention that Husband had a tooth out on Tuesday. He also had an optician's appointment but that is less interesting. Apparently the tooth came out quite easily. 

He managed to bleed again over the pillowcase, for three nights. Another pillowcase I'll have to get rid of as it's impossible to get blood out no matter what the washing powder adverts say. Or perhaps Husband just has particularly strong blood.

He's still on paracetamol, which is also helping his knee, which he managed to twist getting out of the car yesterday. Honestly he shouldn't be let out on his own. Oh, wait, I was with him when he twisted his knee. 

No further news from hospital about anything so all plans, thoughts etc, about the next few months are up in the air. Not that we had any plans . . .

Not plans involving Husband that is. I realised this morning I agreed, in one of my more hopeful moods, to take a table at a local book fair on 5th October, and that I should check my book supplies. 

Finding them lacking I've placed an order. I should perhaps look for other markets at which to set up a stall otherwise I'll be left with a pile of books gathering dust. (I had to rub the dust off the ones I'd secreted away in boxes.)

The Dog-walking Club is lovely. (I think.) I should promote it more. And not just because I have lots of copies.

And what would be a good title for my regular column in Gower Community Magazine? In The Bay it was Hinds' Sights - their suggestion and a great deal of discussion went into the placing of the apostrophe. Suggestions please.

* * * * *

I volunteered to help do teas and coffees after church tomorrow morning. My first excursion into being part of the church rather than just on the edge. Monty's also asked me to say a few words about the prison work. I shall have to wear make-up!

* * * * *
Writing Blood and Books as the title of this post reminded me of Hay-on-Wye, the town of books that includes at least one shop specifically for crime and mystery. It's definitely time for Daughter, Daughter-in-law and me to take a trip up there.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good luck at the local book fair!

Ole phat Stu said...

Wishing your husband better health. I hate dentistry myself.

Anvilcloud said...

By gum, that man has his problems.

Boud said...

Let's hope the talk, and the book fair, go well. Are you autographing books?