Thursday, September 19, 2024

The roses and I are rambling

The roses are beginning to ramble nicely.

At least two of the three are. The one that's hidden behind a bush is taking it personally and refusing to come out.

Enough raspberries for some blondies!

I could have got more but was intimidated by a spider. Actually, looked at threateningly by, is a better description.

And I've just posted my photo on Zac's Facebook page. I decided it would be a good idea if I introduced myself as it's usually me who posts there. Sean used to but he's a busy man so I try to keep us all connected and up to date, but everyone reading still assumes it's Sean writing.

In a day or so I'll introduce Stu too. He's another of the study leaders and 'Facilities Manager', which covers just about everything from shopping to trying to work out which way the drain goes. And he is heir apparent. Whenever anyone in the wider community thinks of Zac's they think of Sean, which is fair enough. He is the face of Zac's, he started it, it's his vision that got us here, but now he has Parkinson's and isn't able to take on as much so we need to make people understand that Zac's is more than Sean. 

A bit - very little bit - of physical labour has lifted my mood I'm pleased to say.

* * * * *
Remember I mentioned Tupperware a few days/weeks ago? Husband mentioned this morning that they've filed for bankruptcy. And this is from the Have I Got News For You* Facebook page:
The Tupperware company announces it has filed for bankruptcy. The bad news had been coming for a while, but they couldn't keep a lid on it any longer.

*HIGNFY is a satirical news programme on the BBC.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

GROAN to "couldn't keep a lid on it any longer." That's a lovely photo of you on Zac's FB page! And that spider was just a mean BULLY.

Anvilcloud said...

Tupperware: the end of an era.

Ann said...

I'm giggling over the couldn't keep a lid on it.