Tuesday, August 13, 2024


There's a programme on Radio 4 called Unbelievable Truths. It's a panel game where each contestant - usually comedians - is given a topic and has to speak on it. So far so simple. But everything the contestant says about the topic has to be lies except for five truths. The truths have to be so unlikely that they could pass as lies. 

For example, did you know that the only Cornish pasty museum in the world is in Mexico? Apparently Cornish miners went out there to work at some point in history and presumably introduced Cornish pasties to the Mexicans.

I was listening to it yesterday and one of the truths set me thinking. The topic, confusingly enough, was lying. One of the truths that I spotted but the panellists didn't was that Donald Trump lied about the height of Trump Towers.

But that wasn't what puzzled me. Reading out one of the truths, David Mitchell, the compere, said, "Forty-five per cent of Brits have lied about having been sky-diving."

Assuming some people have actually been sky-diving that means at least, say, 50% of Brits have said they've been sky-diving. 

That seems a ridiculous number. I only know two people who've said they've been sky-diving. And does that mean nearly one of them hasn't?

You can tell I've thought about this a lot. Too much I suspect. I'm going to have to write to the programme for clarification.* 

I'm guessing they mean 45% of people who've said they've been sky-diving haven't. That's reasonable. Well, it does mean there are a lot of liars out there but it's more believable.

* * * * *

I really need to find something more useful on which to dwell.

Speaking of which I opened my latest novel file yesterday! I started reading from the beginning, making odd changes, and correcting glaring errors. It was a momentous occasion as I've been putting it off for ages, scared of picking it up again.

* * * * *

Husband and I went to Uncle's apartment to tidy up the balcony today. The tenant is currently in France - we asked if it was okay for us to do it - and we managed to fit it in before the forecast rain, which still hasn't appeared. 

If you look closely you will notice the little hedge bushes are shorter on one side. It's the same when I cut Husband's hair.

* Done. 


Boud said...

I think it means 45% of the population claims to have been skydiving! The % of people who have is too small to compute. Or something.

Liz Hinds said...

I assume so but it made me think!

jabblog said...

Some of the unbelievable truths really are difficult to believe. Why would anyone want to lie about sky-diving? and who do they lie to? More questions than answers, as usual.

Angela said...

If the statistic is correct, it simply means 45% have LIED about skydiving. That could mean they said they have done it when in fact they have not.OR they have said they have never done it when they have made a jump or two. And the remaining 55% have either not been asked, or given an honest reply. The data we have gives us NO information about the %age of Brits who have done it. I do not recall ever having been asked - and I have never done it, so I'm in the 55%

Cop Car said...

You made me wonder if I've ever lied by claiming to have sky dived when I have merely jumped from a plane with a parachute four times. Then I looked at Wikipedia for the definition of sky diving. Wikipedia absolved me by claiming that sky diving is jumping from a plane with a parachute - for fun. My jumps were definitely for fun, however, my truthfulness status is moot since I am not a Brit.

Anvilcloud said...

Well everybody has an opinion about sky diving, so I won't add my two-cents. Do you say two pence over there?