Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A journey around my brain

I have to live with my brain so I think it's only fair you should be exposed to its workings too. So bear with . . .

Last evening Husband, Elder Son and I were talking when ES mentioned that he'd been subjected recently to adverts for ear cleaning, including a cone-shaped device that worked like a corkscrew. I said it sounded like something you'd get at a Tupperware party, the sort of useless must-have gadgets that sit in your kitchen drawer until you forget what they're for and throw them out.

I explained that at Tupperware parties there would be little games and the winner would be able to choose a gadget as their prize. Initially an invitation to a party was cause for excitement but after the first couple of parties you'd find yourself looking for the cheapest thing on the list because, although they said there was no pressure to buy, it wasn't the done thing to go along, win your gadget, eat the snacks, drink the wine, and not buy anything. The more that was sold, the bigger the hostess's gift at the end.

To be fair Tupperware was always useful as I was reminded today as I refilled my porridge oats container.

This must be nearly forty years old.

Nowadays everyone does their own version of Tupperware. I assume the company still exists but do they still have parties?

I needed the oats to make date flapjacks for which I also need a little bit of baking powder. I've put baking powder on my shopping list and ordered the brand name version, which is three times as expensive as Sainsbury's own, but I can get the lid off easily. 

The other thing I've been thinking about is Dic Penderyn. On this date in 1831 Dic (Richard Lewis) was hanged for stabbing a soldier in the Merthyr Rising. He claimed innocence and there was no evidence to prove the charge but the authorities were desperate to show the rioters what would happen to them if they continued to dare to rise up against injustice.

For unlike the recent far right riots in Britain these were ordinary working people struggling to make ends meet in the face of mass redundancies and wage cuts. Britain was in the grip of an economic depression and it was the poorest who were bearing the brunt. 

The 93rd Highlanders were called in to disperse the rioters and were ordered to fire, and two dozen men and women were killed. For almost a week the rioting continued and it took another thousand troops - and some concessions from management - to quell it.

From what I've read it seems Dic Penderyn was unlucky. A young man in the wrong place at the wrong time, chosen as a scapegoat, who paid for it with his life.

Alexander Cordell wrote a novel about the uprising. It's called The Fire People if you're interested. 

* * * * *
I can confirm that a magnesium supplement does absolutely nothing to resolve my restless night problem.


jabblog said...

Poor Dic Penderyn.
I've never been to a Tupperware party, or any party that attempts to sell things. Should I feel deprived? I am impressed that you have a 40-year-old container that still has its lid. I've got a collection of lids with no corresponding bottoms - they're all just not quite the right size. It's infuriating.

Ann said...

I always hated Tupperware or any other kind of home party. I felt obligated to buy something and it was never very affordable.

Janie Junebug said...

Never put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear! Yes, the Tupperware company still exists, but I think people just have virtual parties now. I also have Tupperware that's 40 years old or a bit more and I use it all the time. I also use a lot of the gadgets.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Apparently Tupperware is on its last legs and could go out of business within a year, according to a recent article in Fortune magazine.

Marie Smith said...

Thanks for the update on the magnesium, Liz.

Anvilcloud said...

I am sure that we have some 50-year-old Tupperware.

Ole phat Stu said...

Just FYI, the word TUP is a verb in english and it means what a ram does to a ewe.

Liz Hinds said...

I know. Whereas twp means stupid.

Liz Hinds said...

You're right, Ann

Liz Hinds said...

I didn't know that!

Liz Hinds said...

I also have a collection of boxes minus lids or vice versa but I think I must have looked after my Tupperware because it was expensive.

Liz Hinds said...

That's sad. They are good quality.

Liz Hinds said...

Wise advice!

Liz Hinds said...

I wish it were better!

Liz Hinds said...

Most likely. Expensive initially but lasts.

Cop Car said...

We use twp for township.

Jane said...

Have you heard the song about Dic Penderyn by Martyn Joseph? Well worth a listen

Pam J. said...

My husband takes iron for nighttime restless legs and it works for him. He takes three 65-mg OTC iron pills. Vitron-C.

Liz Hinds said...

I shall investigate, thank you.

Liz Hinds said...

No, I haven't. Thank you.