Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Rhubarb and custard

Harvested lots of rhubarb but it's the gift that keeps giving!

So today's variation on a theme is Rhubarb and Custard muffins.


Now meet Bob the Toad.

Until he was rescued (and named) by GrandDaughter2 he was floundering around in the pool and, no doubt, suffering an adverse reaction to the chlorine. We hope he will now go on to live a long and happy life eating slugs out of gratitude.


Anvilcloud said...

Here's to a long life and many bugs for Todd

Ann said...

Well hello there Bob. So glad you were rescued.

Abby said...

Cheers to Bob!

jabblog said...

That'll teach you, Bob!

Marie Smith said...

Wishing the toad a long chlorine free life!

Chatty Crone said...

Bob you were blessed. You know I have never tasted rhubarb as far as I remember.