Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Mrs Palfrey

I've just finished Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont as recommended by Boud. I don't think I'd read anything by Elizabeth Taylor before. A twentieth century writer, she has been described as, "the thinking woman's dangerous housewife."

I think my favourite line in the book is - fiddle, I can't find it. It was along the lines of 'council reds and oranges,' when describing window boxes. A wonderful gently snobbish statement from an impoverished genteel widow.

Now I discover there is a film of the book, so will have to look for it on the various streaming channels. Ideal for an afternoon on my own.

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My latest article for Gower Community Magazine is available here.


Cathy said...

I read this early last year (recommended by a different blogger) and had so many different feelings about it.
I do remember how impressed Mrs P was that someone had a dessert named after them……but was let down when she saw what was served

Cathy said...

There is a 1973 version on YouTube you might be interested in - Play For Today

Boud said...

It must be a while since I mentioned it, can't remember it. I love Elizabeth Taylor, so astute.

Chatty Crone said...

I have never read that - sounds interesting from the comments too.

Ann said...

I'll have to look for this book