Saturday, August 10, 2024

Operation Slug

For the last few months we have often come down to a slug trail in the lounge. Always in the same place, starting in front of the big sofa and going out towards the door.

So today I did what I've been meaning to do for weeks: I tipped over the sofa.

I knew there was a split in the bottom and was convinced we had a slug inside it. 

But I couldn't find anything. 

* * * * *

I also finished my jigsaw,

found a rogue poppy,

and made salade nicoise for dinner.

 Oh yes, and finished Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent. It is every bit as good as people say it is.


Janie Junebug said...

Your salad looks beautiful. I hope you find the slug so he doesn't bring friends in with him. When we lived in the Pacific Northwest, I was shocked the first time I saw a big slug. I had no idea what it was.


jabblog said...

Slugs are curious creatures. I'm glad you didn't find any in the sofa.

Angela said...

When we lived in Dorset we came back from holiday to find silvery trails up and down the wall in the hall. Eventually we discovered the slugs were coming in via the over large hole round the waste pipe of the dishwasher in the kitchen. Horrid!

Ann said...

Well now you know where the slug isn't.
The salad looks good.

Chris said...

Yuk slugs, we had slugs here in the damp bathroom when we moved in, the bathroom plumber took photos of them when he put in the new bathroom. Loved that book and read it twice as it came up as our book group read a year after I'd read it and I read so much more second time around.

Abby said...

I suspect your slug and the two spiders are partying together somewhere nearby.
Yummy looking salad.

Ole phat Stu said...

It is the hammerhead worms I dislike.