Sunday, August 11, 2024


An anti-racism gathering in Swansea today. Organisers estimated there were between one thousand and two thousand people present. I'd guess closer to one, which is a bit disappointing. When I arrived - early for once - there were more police than anyone else.

It was called because the far right had planned a demonstration but they didn't turn up.

Some good speakers but some overly-long and repetitive. Only so many times you need to be reminded that the riots had nothing to do with the death of children, and everything to do with the deliberate attempt to cause division and hate in society. 

When my brain started wandering when it should have been paying attention I decided it was time to go. My parking was nearly up anyway.

I did make contact though with one of the Muslim speakers and we talked about doing something between the mosque and Zac's. I have his phone number and will follow it up.


Boud said...

That's a great upshot, Liz, making contact there. Worth the trip and thank you for doing it.

Marie Smith said...

What a great contact you made. Well done, my friend.

Anvilcloud said...

Good for you for attending.