Friday, August 09, 2024

Cranberry, pecan and cod

So, in between doing my jigsaw - which is my version of mindfulness I realise - I made a banana and choc chip cake for Zac's and tried my hand at a pecan and cranberry loaf.

I treat myself to one from M&S more often than is good for me, and, paying attention to the price for once, I decided I'd try and make my own. Of course it probably works out more expensive this way!

A number of tweaks are needed to improve it but not bad for a first attempt. It's not as sweet as the M&S one but maybe that's because I only had half the number of cranberries required in the recipe. 

I also tried a new fish recipe for dinner. Mediterranean cod in pancetta. An all-in-one tray bake.

* * * * *
Husband had his abdomen/liver scan today. the radiographer doing it said everything looked fine so now I guess we just have to wait for all the scan results to make their way back to the heart consultant so we can get on with the next steps.


Boud said...

So far so good with the medical bulletin. Good.
One of my friends, a great cook, mentioned pancetta. I asked her what it was, and she replied helpfully, you know, like lardons! I was not much wiser.

jabblog said...

The cod dish looks delicious. I like fish and bacon - a cheaper version of surf and turf.

Marie Smith said...

So glad the scan looked ok.

Ann said...

I read the title and thought that sounds like a horrid combination. I'm glad they were three different things.

Anvilcloud said...

The food looks good and husband got a good report.

Cop Car said...

I think the combination sounds interesting. Will I try it? Probably not if past predicts future.

Anonymous said...

Let’s hope the doc sees nothing that the radiographer missed. Your husband’s report sounds great!