Thursday, August 29, 2024

Bloody pawprints

When you're dog-minding and this . . .

Toby very often comes home from a walk bleeding - he roams for miles through the undergrowth - but this was a particularly nasty cut. We bathed and dressed it - and mopped the floor - and he seems okay now, three hours later. He's taken off his dressing but it's not started bleeding again to our relief.

But I think he'll have a quiet day tomorrow.

* * * * *

I went to a book launch last night. The author, Glenn Miles, was sexually abused as a teenager by a Christian mentor. He later trained as a nurse and worked in Cambodia where he met his wife, Siobhan. They worked on various projects together largely with the young male prostitutes in the Red Light district of Phnom Penh.

Siobhan and Glenn had two daughters and adopted a Cambodian daughter too. Glenn has written a number of books about trafficking and slavery, speaks frequently at conferences, and has worked with various organisations as an advocate for some of the most vulnerable people on the planet.

Sadly Siobhan died suddenly from sepsis a number of years ago, and at the age of sixty Glenn finally felt able to come out as a gay Christian man. His new book is his autobiography in which he writes of the struggles he faced before finally learning to embrace himself, God and others.


Kathy G said...

Seeing that blood would freak me out.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That sounds like a good book. I knew a Catholic priest once who left the priesthood in middle age, married a woman (herself a former nun, if I remember correctly), and then following her death, came out in his 60s as a gay man. It took him his entire life to peel away the layers of his sexuality and become himself. But the important thing is that he finally did it!

Marie Smith said...

Looks like a good book.

Ann said...

Oh no, poor Toby.