Wednesday, August 28, 2024

What money? What cakes?

Unusual yellow fungi on the walk today.

* * * * *

I had a text message yesterday reading, "This is Karen from SCC. Just wanted to thank you for the money for the cakes."

Me: who is Karen, what is SCC, what money, what cakes?

Finally worked out the first two but still have no remembrance of money or cakes. I have replied saying as much but there's a bit of me thinking, "Did I give someone money? For cakes?"

I'm pretty sure I didn't but we did have bacon and egg baps in church on Sunday so that's probably what is confusing me. But I didn't pay for those.

* * * * *

Very low turn-out in Zac's last night. Thirteen at the start of the meeting but then four left. Pretty sure it wasn't anything I said. Not this time. But I am getting a complex.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

What money? What cakes? That could be a theme in your next bakeshop/catering mystery series!

jabblog said...

It's rather disconcerting when that happens!

Boud said...

That kind of message makes me wonder if it's them or me.

Anvilcloud said...

She was a Karen, so . . . 😉😇