Friday, August 30, 2024

Just one of those nights

About 9.00 pm and I was letting Toby out for his late night wee. I stood in the open doorway to watch him - to make sure he didn't make a break for it - and Stella Cat sneaked past me and into the garden.

Now Stella is an indoor cat, especially when she comes to stay with us. I followed her, trying to look nonchalant in the hope I could grab her but each time I got close she ran away. Then she went into the overgrown bushes, in the bit of garden used as a passageway by cats and foxes.

I ran into the house to grab some dog treats - the cat treats were upstairs - and my phone to use as a torch. Back outside I peered into the bushes then heard a familiar tinkly of her bell, and it seemed to be coming from the path that runs outside our garden. "Oh no, she's out there. She won't be able to find her way back!"

I rushed out and up the path but no sign of Stella. 

Back into the house. "Husband, help! I've lost Stella!"

As I shouted I heard that tinkling again and it appeared to be coming from upstairs.

"What are you talking about?" Husband said. "She's here."

She must have crept back in while I was out searching for her.

Meanwhile Toby's foot had started bleeding again.

It was just one of those nights.


Abby said...

Stella and Toby - keeping you on your toes! Hopefully nothing too serious for Toby.

jabblog said...

Pets! Bless them, especially when they're someone else's. It's more worrying than looking after other people's children.

Boud said...

You should be paid for the mental stress!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I can just see you in the garden, desperately yelling "Stella! STELLA!" like Marlon Brando in "A Streetcar Named Desire" . . . . . . No? Just my overactive imagination again?

Marie Smith said...

Glad you have them both accounted for…

Ann said...

Well that was more excitement than anyone needs.

Chris said...

Cats are so clever! One house where I lived the neighbours said they missed the 10 pm calling and biscuit box being shaken.. I think it was said 'tongue in cheek'

acorn hollow said...

Well she pulled a fast one on you. so sorry your dog has a sore and bleeding paw.

Anvilcloud said...

Stella stolla awaya.