Thursday, August 15, 2024

Rain, rain

For weeks I've been meaning to do a few jobs in the garden but the sun has shone or something more interesting has come up. Tomorrow we are hosting the Zac's volunteer barbecue. It's amazing the urgency with which things get done when pride - wanting the garden to look nice - comes into play.

I was going to take a photo of what I'd done but it started raining and hasn't stopped since, but the forecast for tomorrow looks good so we shall see.

It won't be the first time we've had a barbecue in the rain.

From 2011.

Just after that the plastic sheeting we'd used as a cover collapsed and its load of water drenched Blossum (seated centre.)


Boud said...

It's so British, rain plans, and going ahead anyway.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wishing you beautiful sunny weather for tomorrow! I was supposed to go on a picnic lunch today, but Edmonton is absolutely blanketed with thick smoke from northern wildfires, so it got cancelled. Or, to be more precise, it got postponed until a clearer day arrives.

jabblog said...

Hope the weather holds for you.

Ann said...

I always got more productive if I thought there was a chance of someone coming over.