Saturday, July 20, 2024

You are the wave

As usual, dithering about what to do I have wasted an afternoon. 

I spent some time looking at last-minute holidays. There's a stretch of west Wales coastline I'd like to visit, also the Cotswolds. I managed to find a few apartments but couldn't raise the enthusiasm. Husband decided St. Malo is the place with the best weather this coming week but that's even more complicated because it involves ferries. My best thought at the moment is a bed and breakfast in Tenby for a couple of nights, from which we'll be able to visit the places I have in mind. 

I also have to remember that Husband's foot is still bad and his walking is limited. Not to mention the hundreds of appointments he will have over the next months. You see why it gets too complicated to bother?

Our hoped-for late summer trip to Italy is also fading into the realms of impossibility. And it's raining today! 

But the forecast is better for the rest of the week.

Two grandchildren came for lunch today so I invited them to eat at McGranny's. Here is the menu. 

Afterwards GrandSon2 said, "Do we have to give you a . . . what's it called?"
"A tip? Yes, please."

So they did: they suggested ways to make it better next time! That's the pencil writing on the menu, complete with logo design. Capital G in a heart.

And now Husband is cooking left-over burgers and sausages for our dinner. Oh, and I didn't show you the feta and spinach filo pie I made for us for dinner on Thursday.

And, no, I haven't done any writing yet. I have managed to lose a duvet cover though, which is a bit of a mystery.

Oh and Husband woke me last night because I was squeaking. I was glad he did as I was having a scary dream. I went back to sleep and had two more strange but not - well a bit - scary dreams. One involved a tsunami.

I seem to dream about tidal waves quite a lot. Which I suggest means I am living in fear of being overwhelmed. Or possibly is simply a result of living near the sea.

From Dream Bible:
To dream of a tidal wave represents problematic life situations or uncertainty that threatens to overwhelm you emotionally.

Like I said.

However Pandas Unite said:
Run towards the tidal wave next time, literally confront it. Dive in.

Ooh, I don't think so.

And Wellbeing says:
You are the wave.


jabblog said...

I thought the tip for McGranny might be a hug and a kiss, but presumably you get those anyway.
The pie looks mouthwateringly delicious and I think you're wise to consider your husband's temporary fragility. Be safe, be secure, be close to help if needed.

Boud said...

I wondered if the tip was what horse to bet on at Newmarket!
That spinach treasure is so good, so unfair to taunt us.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

McGranny's! How clever you are! Your spanakopita looks absolutely delicious. It makes me think I should make one too -- it's been awhile.

Kathy G said...

If I was close enough to cook for my grands I would definitely be stealing that menu!

acorn hollow said...

Great idea with the grands.
That is a scary dream I have been having some weird dreams lately too.

Ann said...

Love the McGranny menu

Anvilcloud said...

What with walking and sleeping issues, it can be no more than daytrips for me.

Liz Hinds said...

Boud, I was wondering if that was coming too! But he's a bit young to think of that maybe.

Thanks all, the pie was very nice.