Friday, July 19, 2024

Be strong!

After writing about not giving up on my dream it was possibly significant that the verse our group was given to look at that evening in bible study was from the second book of Chronicles, and it said:

 But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.

Now knowing God that probably means in heaven - or he's talking about a completely different sort of work - but I'm taking it as a win.

In school Wednesday morning to see the summer show, Madagasgar. Neither of the grandchildren still in the school had parts - they went to this year's leavers - but were in the chorus so I went along to watch. It was good fun. Some children are so confident!

I am pleased to note, though, that GrandSon3 is still happy to wave to me or even hug me in front of school friends. I don't imagine that will last much longer.

* * * * *

We've had lovely weather for the last two days. Everyone came around yesterday after school to go in the pool and eat with us. Sadly tomorrow's forecast is for rain and more rain. Next week is a bit brighter though. I need to get in the sea again soon. The pool is all well and good but there's nothing quite like the sea. As long as there are no jellyfish like this.

You can see why it's called a compass jellyfish, and it's a stinger.


jabblog said...

That is such a striking jellyfish, but best avoided. Leavers' days all around at the moment. Looking at the Year 6 leavers at the local school, I was struck yet again by the disparity in size of the children. How things will change in the next few years.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Enjoy those grandson hugs and waves while you can!

Abby said...

I miss going to school events now that my kids are grown. I won't hold my breath waiting for grandchild entertainers. Enjoy those hugs!
I read today that we should create more than we consume. I've definitely been passively consuming too much! Gonna try to turn that around.

Ann said...

Waves and hugs in front of their friends end way too soon. Enjoy them while you can

Kathy G said...

I would also have taken that randomly assigned Bible verse as a win.

Marie Smith said...

We just came through jellyfish season. That one is a beauty!

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