Sunday, July 21, 2024

Don't turn your back!

I was supposed to be in prison this morning but the chaplain forgot to give our names in to the gate in advance so we couldn't go in. Fortunately she let us know before we set off. Doesn't do much to make us feel valued though.

So, as I'm home unexpectedly, I'm doing a bit of gardening. I've only really got into gardening this year and I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW MUCH WORK IT IS! Turn your back for one minute and the garden takes over.

Husband had to cut down the orange blossom as it had died so I planned to use the space just next to it to plant that large tree I accidentally bought. When you are determined not to ask for help and succeed in digging up a root (not the big big one, which will have to stay there) it is very satisfying.

And here is the Corylus 'Red Majestic' in situ. I should have got a clue as to the expected size from the name I suppose.

You can't see it very well I'm afraid because of the ivy behind.

The greenhouse, which is Husband's preserve is flourishing. (Is preserve the right word? It doesn't sound right.) Tomatoes, chillies, figs and aubergines all coming along nicely.

And George's bench is almost hidden by daisies.

I found these scallions in the bottom of the pantry.
I have to admit to not knowing how onions reproduce but I think I'll find a little corner to plant them in and see what happens.

* * * * *
Meanwhile in Scotland some fools enthusiastic runners have come up with joggling. No, it's not what my breasts do when I try to run but a combination of juggling and jogging. As if one on its own isn't difficult enough.


Marie Smith said...

I have been at the garden this week. If I take a day off, the weeds take over!

Boud said...

I currently have just a little patio to tend. Someone asked me recently if I missed my community garden plot. I had given it up because it was too much heavy work! No I don't miss it, but I miss the energy I used to have for it.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your own private Garden of Eden. Or Garden of Weedin' like the old joke says.

jabblog said...

That hazel will be so pretty. I need to cut back some plants - it's getting difficult to reach the front door.

Kathy G said...

Tending a patch of greenery is never-ending.

Anvilcloud said...

It's a good and also good for you hobby.

Cop Car said...

Such energy you display. I would envy your relative youth were it not for the fact that I once had it. Good on you!

Ann said...

Gardening is a lot of work which is the top reason for why I don't do it.

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks all. Jabblog, I didn't realise it was hazel!