Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Ice cream for breakfast

Finally finished prepping for tonight's bible study. Finished but not practised so will stumble through it no doubt. We're on the bit about throwing off everything that hinders and running the race with perseverance. One slogan-thing I found said, "Look back at the witnesses. Look up to Jesus. Look forward to joy." And it struck that as we're supposed to keep our eyes on Jesus that could be quite difficult to do! 

But that's my mind's strange working. Anyway loads of analogies from running races, and also took slight detours into football and Formula 1. Mixing my metaphors. What's the difference between a metaphor and an analogy? Shall have to look it up.

Fascinating programme on the radio when I was in the car this morning about parks. The first publicly-funded park in the world was in Birkenhead and was created by Joseph Paxton, who also designed the gardens at Chatsworth House, and Crystal Palace. I've never thought about parks being invented before. I just thought they 'were'. But apparently they came about because of concern for the working man's spiritual, mental and physical health in ever-industrialising town centres. 

And I bought this book simply because of the title.

P.S. There are some very complicated explanations of the difference. The simplest one I could find quickly - I'm in a hurry - was this from prowritingaid.com:

A metaphor says a thing is another thing. An analogy compares two divergent terms to draw a reader to a conclusion.

Or this from writersdigest.com:

A metaphor is something, a simile is like something, and an analogy explains how one thing being like another helps explain them both.

So, is the thing about the Christian life being like a race a simile then?


Boud said...

My English teachers used to say that if the word like appears, it's a simile. If not, most probably a metaphor.

So Christians need three sets of eyes?? Like keeping your eye on the ball, shoulder to the wheel, while sitting on the fence. It's a pretty demanding religion, all in all.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I agree that it's a simile. And all that sports imagery ties in with the upcoming Olympics too, not that it matters.

Marie Smith said...

A simile as I understand it. Interesting book!

jabblog said...

The thought of ice cream for breakfast makes me shudder.

Chris said...

A simile or metaphor? But ice cream for breakfast sounds wonderful! And I've looked at the book and bought it.

Anvilcloud said...

I would call it a simile.