Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Horse's teeth

Sweet peas and my first ever Cosmos from the garden.

Being totally out of eggs my choice of cake to make for Zac's last night was limited. I would have made date flapjacks but didn't have any dates, so settled for straightforward old flapjacks. I haven't made them for years.

I don't know if it's because I used jumbo oats but they didn't stick together very well. And the edges, well, let's say you wouldn't want to bite them unless you had a horse's teeth. And, to be honest, I've tasted better too!

As it happened they didn't get used last night as we had left-over funeral food so I left them to be put in lunches on Thursday, but now I'm worrying about whether they should go with a warning notice.

It went okay last night I think although I forgot to wear my hearing aid so can't be absolutely sure what was said.

I would have been cooking in Zac's this morning but they decided I needed some more time off to rest and I wasn't going to argue. Instead I've been writing my next article for Gower Community Magazine. Here's the link to my piece in the July issue.

Now Husband feels like getting out so we'll either go to Sainsburys - a shock to the system after doing online shopping for so long - or for a walk on Mumbles Hill. The sky's brightening so I think the latter will be my choice.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I enjoyed your article, although it took me three flips through the magazine to find it!

Kathy G said...

Your flowers are a lovely combination.

Boud said...

That's a nice article. Yes, the faculties do dim a bit as we go. The problem I foresee when I get my hearing aids is that if I switch off, I'll be deafened by tinnitus instead! But we'll burn that bridge when we get to it.

jabblog said...

Very pretty posy - gorgeous colours. I hope you enjoyed your walk and that the sun shone for you.

Ann said...

The flowers are pretty. The flap jacks at least look good.

Marie Smith said...

Glad you are having a break! You need a rest for sure!

Anonymous said...

More education for me since flapjacks are pancakes around here. Your flapjacks sound great except my recently discovered gout contraindicates oats : (
Cop Car

PipeTobacco said...

Whatever it is that you baked (and call flapjacks) looks delicious! It looks sort of like a crumb cake sort of thing. But, you suggest the edges may be hard? So, I am not really sure what they may taste like….. but they look great and seem like a cake to me.

In the US “flapjacks” are a common name for pancakes…usually covered with a lot of syrup! :).

I tend to think that dates make ANYTHING even more delicious, so I am sad you did not have any for your dessert.


Anvilcloud said...

The latter choice seems like the clear winner to me.

Anonymous said...

Your photo makes me think that your flapjacks may be similar to our (USA) commercially available granola bars that are crispy?