Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Figs and the future

I've mentioned before a little boy whose life I've been involved in since birth, through Zac's. His life hasn't been the best but tomorrow there's to be a little tea party to celebrate the finishing of something. I was invited, and also asked if I would make a cake. The real cake has his name on the left.

I hope and pray he writes it wisely. 

My original plan was to do a front cover but somehow it developed into this.

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Husband brought a big juicy fig in from the garden. It was delicious.

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It's my oldest - as in known longest - friend's seventieth birthday today. I plan to pop to see her and suddenly realise I still have her Christmas present in the other room.

I'll have to go to Mumbles first to get a card so perhaps I'll go to the library at the same time. Last night I put aside the book I was reading. I don't like any of the people in it and can't be bothered to find out what happens. So it might be an acclaimed literary thriller but it's doing nothing for me. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Another lovely cake! And I love figs too. Happy Bday to your friend on her Milestone Birthday!

Boud said...

You have a fig tree?? I'm so envious.

Anvilcloud said...

So, you do actually give a fig --- as it were. 😊

jabblog said...

Our very productive fig tree died suddenly a few years ago. I don't like figs, but my husband enjoyed them.
I never used to abandon books I was reading. I do now.It's not as though there's an examination at the end of it.

Kathy G said...

I'm sure everyone will enjoy your cake.

Ann said...

I like the cake.

Leonardo Hugo said...

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