Sunday, June 30, 2024

A silly thing to do

Whenever the children are here they say, "You should get a dog."

Browsing through rescue dogs' websites, when your emotions are already teetering, is not a good idea.

I'll go do some gardening instead.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Those entries are designed to play on our emotions, so yes, best not to be on those sites right now.

Boud said...

I can't bear them because of all the animals I can't take! All my pets have pretty much shown up and applied for the job.

Abby said...

Yes, good the avoid those sites for now. Ack, just thinking about them...

jabblog said...

You have enough on your plate at the moment without another being needing your attention.

Mauigirl said...

Liz, I just caught up, didn't know until today that your husband had been hospitalized. I'm so sorry for all you've gone through! Glad he's home and seems to be on the road to recovery.

Yes, the dog question...we have the same issue. Husband says he's not ready but I think I am. There's one at the local shelter I've had my eye on and we may actually go meet her but right now we're away so it won't be until end of July. Will keep you posted... ;-)

I downloaded your latest book and it's next on my list. Looking forward to reading it. I loved your first one.

Kathy G said...

That's like going to the grocery store when you're hungry...a bad idea.

Ann said...

Yep, too easy to cave in to cute fur babies when emotions are running high.

Chris said...

So good to hear your husband is alright, perhaps the relief of having him home and your son and his family returning to Italy has left you feeling a bit out of sorts?

Marie Smith said...

If we had a dog it would be a rescue. We stay off the local site though. It is too heart breaking to do otherwise. Time with the grand-dog helps.