Sunday, June 30, 2024

A mixed-up feeling

I'm feeling a bit strange right now. I suspect I've been running on adrenaline all week, not having time to think. 

When we visit the family in Italy I feel fine when I come back. Sad to leave them of course but a natural sadness. Now this time they've been here and left and I'm feeling sad but also getting the funny tummy feeling that I do when I'm emotional.

I'm guessing it's a mixture of sad that they've gone and happy that Husband is recovering and relief, tiredness, tension, released anxiety all mixed in as one. Probably be better when routines are re-established and everything is back to normal. 

Speaking of normal we have a general election coming up this week. One good thing about the busyness of last week: I've managed to miss out on all the political digs and pointless arguments. I did receive an email asking if I'd like to be a teller but by the time I replied the only opportunities were in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (The other end of the country.)


Marie Smith said...

You had a week of big emotions. Go easy on yourself this week. The election will be enough excitement.

Boud said...

You've had a ton of stress, and I've been thinking you're constantly taking care of other people, who's taking care of you? I'm glad your daughter cooked.

jabblog said...

Too much adrenaline coursing through your veins. Be kind to yourself and try to relax.

Ann said...

You sure had a lot going on, no wonder you've got a mixed-up feeling.