Saturday, June 01, 2024

A good day in the garden

We have a funeral to go to on Monday. This morning I tried on my funeral dress. It's okay as long as I don't want to breathe. How much weight could I lose by Monday?

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Amazon is sending me emails suggesting I might enjoy my own book. And Facebook is advertising pillow sprays to help with sleep. I wonder if they work even if you can't smell them.

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I have had a good day! Son-in-law came with me to Rough Edges to pick up the bit of fencing I'd bought but couldn't get in the car. It was a perfect fit in his. 

Brought it home and persuaded Husband out of his little room to come and fix it for me. Now painted and looking as good as new.

When we bought George's bench it was already treated but it was looking a bit sad so I painted that too.
Half done.


I shall tell you, as I'll tell Husband when he says, as he inevitably will, "You've missed bits," that I was going for the rustic look. That and trying not to kill roses.
"Did you rub it down first?"
"I told you: I was going for the rustic look."

Meanwhile the pizza dough was rising in the greenhouse.

And I've made a rhubarb crumble cake. See what a good productive day I've had?


Debra She Who Seeks said...

You have had a busy, busy day! Everything looks great and/or delicious!

Marie Smith said...

I made rhubarb cake today too. We are celebrating a family birthday tomorrow. Glad you had a good day. Hope tomorrow is similar.

Boud said...

Busy day, yes!

acorn hollow said...

That was a very productive day. I have pieces of that kind of fence in my gardens as back drops.

Chris said...

Rhubarb cake is one of my favourites, super with Evaporated milk!

Ann said...

I for one like the rustic look

jabblog said...

Nice greenhouse and so tidy. I like the bench - well done.

nick said...

I must try that one when Jenny suggests something that needs attention - "I'm going for the rustic look".

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks, all.