Friday, May 31, 2024

Tottering by gently

I look at my garden failures and sigh. Then I look at this and smile.

Aren't they just beautiful? And GrandDaughter1 assures me they smell just as wonderful.

So I'm still thinking about the little stony shady nook, and what to do with it. Just looked up dragon sculptures again. All either tiny or expensive. Looked at children statues, all naff. Then I got distracted . . . fairy gardens!

Now I could have fun. A whole village with maybe a little dragon keeping watch over them. Yes, naff, but cute naff. And until I can find the perfect statue would be ideal. I think. 

I won't tell Husband just yet. He won't care anyway. "If it makes you happy, dear."

The bit of garden that was very shady but is less so now I had planned to plant shrubs and give it coloured foliage. But nothing grows there . . . except roses! I'll have to plant more roses. Nothing else for it. I was wondering where I could plant a Tottering-by-Gently. (How could anyone resist that name?)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

The little miniatures that go in a fairy garden or village aren't cheap either, unless you make them yourself!

Ann said...

I find fairy gardens totally enchanting.

jabblog said...

Definitely a rose to go for. Fairy gardens are fun.