Monday, May 06, 2024

You know you're old

You know you're old when you're about to leave the house for a gig and you stop and say, "Wait, have we got the painkillers?"

You know you're old when everyone else is waving two arms in the air but you can only wave one because you've got a bad shoulder! 

But worth it for three hours of Springsteen. All Bruced out. Lots of old favourites in with some newer songs plus some contemplation of death, lost friends, memories, and living for the now. And all rockin'!

Even Husband sort of enjoyed it! It helped that the traffic was fine, and we found a parking space quite easily - and without having to pay £20 - and his foot lasted. It's very bad today though. He went to the gym with a bad foot and came back with a worse one so no sympathy.

Yesterday morning's speaking in church was fine too. Once I started I calmed down and Monty remarked on how cool and confident I was. He also said, "People told me they understood everything you said." Which is good and sort of a compliment I think?!

But several people did say to me how they could relate to what I said, which was lovely. Oh, the bible character I most relate to is Peter! He means well but gets it wrong a lot of the time.

So all in all a successful day. And now to relax a little.


Anvilcloud said...

Once at a cottage where I laid out various items to prepare for bed and some that I might possibly require through the night, I said to Sue, "Do you remember when we could just simply go to bed?"

Ole Phat Stu said...

For me, it is the permanent pain that tells me I am old (be 80 next month) :-(

Debra She Who Seeks said...

What a great selfie of you and Husband at the Sprintsteen concert! Glad you enjoyed it so much. And a successful church talk too! Peter was always a fave of mine as well -- so humanly fallible.

jabblog said...

Sop glad you enjoyed the gig and that your talk was well received.

Marie Smith said...

Peter and Bruce. Sounds perfect!

Ann said...

You and your husband look very happy in that picture. Glad you had a good time.

Kathy G said...

Sounds like a lovely couple of days.

Chris said...

Once upon a time I went to music festivals and never missed a Cliffy concert and loved everyone.. these days I'm happy to stay in the comfort of home and watch on TV, but I can say I've had my moments in my past life and sang my heart out.
Great your church talk went well, just as I thought it would.

PipeTobacco said...

Liz…. Such a fun photo of the two of you at Springsteen!!!!

Overall, how did your book promotion efforts go? I did not see any of your recent posts mentioning it. Unless I am just not seeing it.

Regardless, I hope it went well!!!
