Thursday, May 09, 2024

Why do they hate me?

Why do plants hate me and weeds love me? (I know weeds are plants too!) I am kind to plants and mean to weeds but it makes no difference. The weeds flourish and my plants curl up their leaves and die.

Roses excepted. Roses love me, something I am very glad about. Here is one of the early reliable ones. I didn't plant it but I do love it.

We have this little corner in our garden. It's quite shady and has done a stint as a herb garden and failed, and now just gathers stuff.

I am thinking dragon but Jabblog had an interesting statue on her blog so I am pondering options. I don't want anything too naff - or perhaps I should go over-the-top naff?

I've picked some rhubarb and added it to frozen rhubarb for the crumble I'll cook this evening, and the gooseberry bushes are covered in babies. Last year, one day there were gooseberries; the next they had all disappeared, eaten by birds we assumed. Unless someone climbed over the gate and stole them all!


Kathy G said...

I've heard of gooseberries, but I've never seen them before. Thanks for the visual.

jabblog said...

Our gooseberry bushes gave up the ghost.
Your plants don't hate you - it's just that your weeds love you more.

Boud said...

I used to have a beautiful gooseberry bush, planted by a previous owner and illegal in this state, and loved the fruit, always trusting the gooseberry police didn't come for me. It's an issue of a virus they carry which attack the white pine tree, an important state export.

Your roses are just lovely. That's worth a few weeds.

Ann said...

If you figure out why plants hate you and weeds love you, let me know. I have the same problem.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm looking forward to baking again with rhubarb this summer!

Marie Smith said...

Our rhubarb is growing in spite of the cold. Lots of rain though!

acorn hollow said...

My rhubarb is getting to the point of being picked. A beautiful shade lover is a hosta there are lots and lots of varieties.

Anvilcloud said...

I think my tulips love me, or at least love their spot. Neighbour planted them long ago in a variety of shapes and colours. Not preferring a riot of colour back them, I tried to eradicate them after he moved away, for I wanted a more designed look. They were resilient and won. Now I very very happy to see them return every spring.

Cop Car said...

I'm envying all those who could write about their rhubarb - been meaning to plant some for a few decades. Gooseberries? My grandmother grew them, but I have not succeeded.

I do like your fab earrings!