Thursday, May 09, 2024

The grass is greener

Because Monday was a Bank Holiday my cleaner didn't come so I've had to resort to doing my own cleaning! Having got used to it looking nice I can't leave it until a week Monday when Bev returns.

I am so impressed with how much she gets through in two hours. Admittedly she doesn't stop after ten minutes because she's bored, or she's thought of something and needs to look it up, or, indeed, has to blog about it.

It's a fairly desultory clean I'm doing but the sun is shining so don't want to waste too much time indoors.

Husband mowed the lawn yesterday. It's amazing how much better everything in the garden looks with a neat lawn. Which brings me nicely to lawn mowers.

You wouldn't think a program about the history of lawn mowers would be interesting, would you? But it's fascinating. The rotary mower was invented almost two hundred years ago and the model that exists today is more or less the same as the original.

The inventor/manufacturer offered it as an alternative to scythes, and advertised it to men of the household, saying they need no longer get a man in to do the grass: they could do it themselves with the added benefits of getting fresh air and exercise. I suppose in those days people rich enough to afford lawns as opposed to growing their own veg could also afford to keep a gardener on hand.

The program is abridged from The Grass is Greener by Tom Fort.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

It would indeed be hard to keep a lawn looking nice with a scythe.

Boud said...

I wonder how many men really welomed this new chore? So much easier to hire an expert with a scythe.

Liz Hinds said...

Ah but the scythe left an uneven lawn and circles, Boud.

jabblog said...

Advertising is so deceitful!

Abby said...

Personally, I rather enjoy mowing the lawn. Ours is not very big. Scythe the lawn? No thanks.
Happy cleaning!

Marie Smith said...

I’m thinking of having a cleaner too. The house is much too big these days!

Kathy G said...

The mower program sounds interesting. I am saving it for later when I have time to listen to the whole thing in one sitting.

Ann said...

I used to mow my own lawn but I'm getting to old to push mow any more. I now have someone do it and they are done in about 10 minutes