Sunday, May 12, 2024

No Lights tonight

Binge-watched Grey's Anatomy last night until gone midnight. No Northern Lights. Hung on a bit longer but it was getting cloudy, that sort of hazy cloud that gives you hope that perhaps it's not cloud but is really. Went to bed.

But forgetting that disappointment, I went for a swim in the sea yesterday! Swim? Quick dip. It was very cold. Once your legs went numb it wasn't so bad though. Daughter and Son-in-law were braver than me and did have a good swim while I played in the shallows with the grands. 

The beach, Pobbles, was heaving with people. Not heaving in a sunny day at the seaside in Brighton way but in a beach where we're more used to being the only ones heaving.

What Pobbles is usually like

The water monitor said it was safe, by the way. 


jabblog said...

You're brave!

Anvilcloud said...

What a crowd!

Boud said...

I can't even think of that cold water. Vivid memories of the North Sea and beautiful wide sandy beaches. I still prefer beach walking,especially an empty beach.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sounds bracing, very bracing.

Marie Smith said...

I cannot imagine a swim in ocean these days. You’re brave!

Ann said...

Wow, that's one crowded beach.