Sunday, May 12, 2024

Me today

The sweetness of doing nothing. Poor woman. You can see the inner turmoil, the battle she is having with the voice in her head that is saying, "You can't just lie around and do nothing! You should be doing something!"

Will she win the fight? Or will she get up and clean the toilet?

Watch this space.


Boud said...

I see her getting up in search of chocolate to assist with the doing nothing.

Kathy G said...

Based on her contented smile I predict she's not moving from that space anytime soon.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Everyone deserves a "lay around and do nothing" day! The toilet can wait!

Abby said...

I've been her. Not so nicely dressed, but otherwise. Stay put.

Ann said...

If it were me, I would win the fight. Cleaning can always wait.

acorn hollow said...

Lol it is always a fight when one is not sick but just lounging.