Wednesday, May 08, 2024


Got to Zac's this morning to find someone had dumped an armchair outside. 

It wasn't there last night.

The other part is to be found further down the road.

I can't imagine where they were going or what they were hoping to do with the chair.

It's like the chair in the middle of the woods.

If you're just going to dump it why go right into the depths of the woods?

Anyway my new earrings arrived this morning. Aren't they fab?

Meanwhile I keep getting emails form Amazon suggesting I might enjoy my own books. If I don't enjoy them there's not much chance of anyone doing so I would have thought.

P.S. I have been a responsible trustee and reported the dumped chair to the Council.
P.P.S. I also emailed the Principality Stadium to ask what the sign was. 


Boud said...

The broken up dumped chair makes me think about breaking up and dumping the parts of a weapon so it won't be found. This one's a bit big though.

So you have merch?? The big time.

Anonymous said...

So what was the sign? Don't keep us in suspenders(quoting Monty Python there).

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Those are two pretty sad looking chairs. It looks like someone got their money's worth out of them though.

Love your new earrings! They'll be perfect when you do book readings/signings.

And a nice review from a Canadian fan! Canada's a small country. I wonder if I know her?

Chris said...

Love the earrings, great advertisement for your book, will you wear them at a book singing?

jabblog said...

People go to extraordinary lengths to dump their unwanted goods. With a little more effort, they could dump them in the right place.

Liz Hinds said...

I hadn't thought of it as merch, Boud, That makes me feel like a big star.
Anon (Sue?) I don't know. Principality Stadium says my query is important to them - but they've not answered it yet.
I imagine you might, Debra!
I don't do signings, Chris, but I will wear them at every opportunity.
Precisely, Janice. No sense to it.

Ann said...

I hate it when I see furniture dumped somewhere. It's not that difficult to get rid of them properly.
Love the earrings. I hope you give yourself a good review

Anvilcloud said...

The dumpers made their problem someone else's problem.