Saturday, April 27, 2024

Will your anchor hold?

When you ask in the charity shop if they have an old bible hidden away and the woman comes back with the biggest, heaviest, Welsh bible I've ever seen. Which proved to be ideal for my purpose.

The big problem - apart from carrying it around Mumbles - was psyching myself up to tear pages out of it when I got home. I told myself it was what I bought it for but desecrating any book is painful.

The reason for such destructive behaviour was to create a background for the collage I was putting together for Zac's. Before you comment on the end result, please bear in mind that I am not an artist and neither are the guys in Zac's. That said, I'm quite pleased with it. I think it captures the Zac's vibe well. Rough and ready but with soul.

* * * * *
This morning I also realised that it's only a week tomorrow until I am speaking in Monty's church. Speaking on, "The bible character that I most relate to." Any guesses who that might be?

Which means it's also only a week tomorrow until we go to see Bruce Springsteen at the Principality Stadium in Cardiff! Yay!

And, of course, last night we went to see Daughter-in-law in Bleak Expectations. It was great fun and she was excellent. And, naturally, I had to do the Photo.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Love the collage and your moustache! Sounds like you've got an excitng weekend next week!

Abby said...

If it captures the vibe, then your collage is perfect!
So, which bible character? I have no idea.

Anvilcloud said...

Oh my! Your title takes me back more than 60 years to singing that song in our little assembly held in the school gym. Even though I am no longer a believer, so many of the songs that play in my head are from way back then, and I have warm feelings about them,

jabblog said...

We wait in breathless anticipation to discover your 'character.'

Anonymous said...


Ann said...

I think your collage came out great.