Sunday, April 28, 2024

Left field you say

Had an email reminder this morning about the Springsteen concert next week. Good job really as I looked at it and discovered gates open at 4 and it's due to end at 8. They know Springsteen fans are old and need to be home in bed early.

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In church this morning there was a visiting speaker. Like me he'd been given the topic, Bible character I relate to. He chose Nehemiah, which sounded a bit intimidating - I know nothing about Nehemiah - but he was excellent. The speaker has been a church leader for over twenty-five years so, as you can imagine, his talk was very different from what mine will be like next week. Which is a good thing I tell myself.

I spoke to him afterwards. He knew me mainly because of my articles in The Bay and on Facebook. "You're quite left field, aren't you?"

Always a bit worrying when someone knows me mostly from my writing as I'm much more 'out there' in what I say compared to real life.

What I've noticed before, but what struck me particularly this morning when I was talking to someone during tea afterwards, is my tendency to start a sentence, not knowing where I'm going with it, then to flap about a bit before ending without finishing. Stopping instead with a shrug, and a sigh. It's no wonder people look confused when I talk to them.

I am wondering whether to create a Powerpoint presentation to go with my talk. It would distract the congregation a bit - especially if there's a technical hitch as happened this morning - but would I be able to think both talk and clicking (button to change slide) at the same time?

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GrandDaughter2 picked me a bunch of forget-me-nots.


Boud said...

I love forgetmenots! I wonder if I could grow them here. Or if rabbits would love them too.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Can't say I remember who Nehemiah is either.

Liz Hinds said...

You can't stop growing them here! They just grow and grow and grow!

Liz Hinds said...

Debra, I'm not really any wiser although he sounds like good guy.

Kathy G said...

The last time I used PowerPoint I also had my oral presentation on my iPad in front of me. Because I was afraid I might forget to click the button I added the words CHANGE SLIDE every time I needed to do it :-)

jabblog said...

I'm a sentence starter, too. I wish I could break the habit. Had a quick look at Nehemiah, master builder and eunuch . . .

Liz Hinds said...

THat's a good idea, Kathy. I'll do that.

Now he didn't mention eunuch, Janice!

Chris said...

So who have you decided is your Bible character is to be? I think I'd choose Ruth, a lovely person. The talk about Nehemiah must have been very interesting as he was quite a fella, or was he? I think I need to refresh my memory of him.

Ann said...

Not sure how I would react to someone saying I was left field :)

Anvilcloud said...

Our forget-me-nots are just coming, and Sue has a photo in mind for today.