Sunday, April 14, 2024

Getting its revenge

Back out in the garden I was trying to pull up a root when a branch flew up and whacked me in the eye.

It feels much worse than it looks. That was over an hour and a half ago and it's still painful. Painful when it's open and painful when it's closed. NHS advice is to run water on it for twenty minutes.

How are you supposed to run water over an eye? I bathed my eye using a measuring cup in the absence of an eye bath.  It's still blurry too so if it's like this tomorrow I will have to go to A&E, again according to the NHS website.

Let's hope it's better by then. I'm already a bit snuffly and you know how quick I am to wallow in my own misery. 

* * * * *

Last night I started reading The Twits to the grandchildren in Italy. I'd searched in the library for a copy but I should have looked at home first. I found most of the old Dahls from my children's days.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I hope your eye reverts to normal quickly! How unfortunate to have that gardening accident.

Boud said...

I was punched in the eye by a lavender twig last year, gosh that hurts. It goes on and on. I did all the bathing, artificial teardrops all that. It calmed down after a day or two. But that eyelid still gets scratchy sometimes. I hope yours is nothing more.

Anvilcloud said...

Future colours may be interesting.

Kathy G said...

You might also want to try ice to keep some of the bruising away.

Abby said...

Ouch! What did you ever do to that branch?
When I see these types of injuries, I'm glad I wear glasses.

Marie Smith said...

It looks like it hurts a lot. Hope it’s okay now!

jabblog said...

Lovely black eye today, I expect. I hope it feels a little better today - well, a lot better, but that takes more than 24 hours.

Ann said...

Ouch. That had to have hurt. Hope it's better today.

Liz Hinds said...

It was a very vicious honeysuckle branch!
And Husband said the same as you, Abby, "That's why I'm glad I wear glasses."

Cop Car said...

Yikes! So sorry.